Avi CraimerWeb Developer

About Me

As a web developer, I bring together analytic precision and holistic understanding. I love solving puzzles and building intricate functionality. My academic training in formal logic and conceptual analysis helps me break down complex problems and write articulate comments. My experience with mindfulness meditation keeps me focused, relaxed and attentive as I code.

I am delighted to be a graduate from the HackerYou Web Development Immersive and I can't wait to share my skills and enthusiasm as part of an inspiring development team.


Library Events Page

React-Firebase Web App

A site to allow Torontonians to browse public library events and save them to a user profile. The TPL has an event data API with no search options, so I wrote my own functions to filter and sort the data. We used geolocation to find events near the user, and users can add events to their Google calendar. Firebase stores a user's saved events and speeds up the site's loading time by caching upcoming events from previous site visits.

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My Meditation Builder

React-Firebase Web App

As a meditation teacher I've been watching with interest the rise of mindfulness apps. This site is a prototype for a meditation app that would allow users to build custom guided audio meditations. It uses React to dynamically render the page as the user makes choices about their meditation. Firebase is used for user authentication and to save user created meditations.

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Junior Ghost Catchers

Javascript-jQuery Web App

Drawing on my experience as a math tutor for elementary and middle school students, I designed this game to teach basic algebra concepts in a colourful interactive way. I used jQueryUI for drag and drop functionality and SVG images customized in Affinity Designer for the graphics.

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I would love to hear from you. Email me directly at hello@avicodes.com or use the contact form below.